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Toyota to Establish Technology Research and Training Centers in China

Eine Mitteilung der Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC), Tokio, Japan

Tokyo—TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) announced today that it started after-sales service technology research and personnel training operations in China through two new companies in November. Two companies, Toyota Motor Technical Research and Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Toyota Motor Technical Research and Service (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., were established earlier this year in an effort to strengthen Toyota’s after-sales service structure in the expanding Chinese market.

In recent years, automobile technology has begun employing increasingly advanced computer technology capable of more precise and detailed control, in response to greater demands for safety and environmental conservation. In order to make such cutting-edge technology more common within the marketplace and to maintain performance, compatible after-sales service technology is necessary.

The two new companies will carry out a range of operations, including research on fault diagnosis technology and the development and transfer of maintenance techniques for ever-advancing new technologies, research on environmental response technology, and compilation of market quality information.

The two companies will additionally carry out training with regard to regular automotive maintenance technology, body/paintwork repair technology and after-sales service advice/management. They will also function as comprehensive training centers to develop the skills of frontline personnel involved in all areas, from vehicle sales to after-sales service, by means of training in vehicle sales and service parts management. The companies are two of Toyota’s largest training centers in the world and are capable of accepting 2,500 trainees annually for its 300 courses.

TMC opened its first Toyota authorized service station in China in 1980. TMC has worked steadily to reinforce its after-sales service structure in China, establishing training centers in Beijing and Guangzhou as early as 1985. The establishment of the latest two companies is the result of TMC wanting to make a contribution to the vigorous development of the rapidly expanding Chinese market through the planned and structured training of technicians capable of handling increasingly advanced automotive technology and the localization of automobile maintenance technology.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Mobilität für alle: Die Toyota Motor Corporation entwickelt und produziert innovative, sichere und hochwertige Produkte und Services, um allen Menschen die Freude einer uneingeschränkten Mobilität zu bieten. Wir erreichen unsere Ziele nur dann, wenn wir unsere Kunden, Partner, Mitarbeiter und die Gesellschaften unterstützen, in denen wir tätig sind. Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 1937 arbeiten wir an einer sichereren, nachhaltigeren und inklusiveren Gesellschaft. Auch heute – während wir uns zu einem Mobilitätsunternehmen wandeln, das Technologien für Vernetzung, Automatisierung, Sharing und Elektrifizierung entwickelt – bleiben wir unseren Leitprinzipien und den Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen verpflichtet. Damit wollen wir zu einer besseren Welt beitragen, in der sich jeder frei bewegen kann.
